This blog will follow our renovation stories of our new house in Massachusetts. This is the second house we've owned - the first was a 1912 house that we took completely back to the studs. This house, while allegedly requiring less work will have its challenges. It was built in the late 60's and for all intents and purposes nothing seems to have been updated since then.
We bought the house on a short sale - it was a bargain, even with the issues the house has. It was abandoned for at least 9 months, if not closer to a year. The house was winterized, but only after the pipes were already frozen. The owners had washed their hands of the property, so it was our job to fill the oil tank, get the electricity reconnected, dewinterize it, and so on.
It has the potential to be a beautiful house - the land it's on, 2 acres, is wild and rambling, but that's exactly what I wanted. That in itself will be a challenge...