Jun 3, 2009

Vegetable Plot

Being the country gentleman that I am (or at least I think that's what was my friends call me), one has undertaken to become self-sufficient in the vegetable front. Unfortunately that may require some rationing of food, and possibly the loss of some of the weaker members of the family. Still, can't win them all.

As I am far too lazy to actually dig a garden, and have little requirement for 45 lettuces all ready at the same time, I am doing the Square Foot Gardening method. Basically, fill a 4' by 4' raised bed with a special mix, divide into 16 'plots', and plant in this ultra-compact, easy to weed and water alternative to row cultivation. Results so far, with all but three beds from seed:

We'll see if this produces more than one meal's worth of food, that is assuming I don't forget to water them/they die from other causes (lupus?)/the deer eat them (pick one or more options). I also wonder if while the concept is great of organically grown, locally produced (about 20 feet from my house) produce, I will actually have spent more than just going down the supermarket. Probably time for a spreadsheet....