Strangely, with their whitish belly, I didn't even look at the pictures of the red-bellied. My field guide even says "face and underparts pale gray, virtually no red on belly". Okay, so I know there's already a bird called the red-headed woodpecker, but wait a freakin' minute. Who the hell calls a bird with "virtually no red on belly", a red-bellied woodpecker? I mean, even "red-headed woodpecker II" would be a marked improvement. Even "quite red-headed, but not quite as red-headed as the other red-headed woodpecker" would at least be more visually correct.
I have made a promise to myself that only flora and fauna I manage to photograph (admittedly I'm unlikely to have an issue with the flora) will make it to this field guide. Unfortunately that means you will have to put up with crappy pictures.