Floors were dry enough to walk on tonight, and as you will see in the video, dry enough for Eva to kiss apparently....They all look good - one of the rooms will need a rug as the leaky dog managed to turn the wood black. I'm not convinced our boys actually used water-based poly as asked for, but I suppose there's your $1400 compromise.
Further advances were made in the plumbing, with the fixing of another popped t-fitting, resulting in the creation of another leak elsewhere that needs attention. I also insulated the water pipes for hot water and heating as a 65 degree basement seemed somewhat wanton.
On duty: Mike the Vietnamese Floor Finisher
Man hours of work: 15 hours (my time, not theirs)
Cumulative hours: 66 hours
Cost of parts/labor: $1752 (floor, pipe insulation. NEW SHOP VAC)
Cumulative cost since purchase: $2329